Volume 29 • Issue 1 • 2022

DOI: https://doi.org/10.2458/jpe.issue.454


Waste colonialism and metabolic flows in island territories

Mélissa Manglou, Laurence Rocher and Jean-Baptiste Bahers

2022-01-07 Volume 29 • Issue 1 • 2022 • 1-19

Political ecology of security: tackling the illegal wildlife trade

Rosaleen V. Duffy and Dan Brockington

2022-01-20 Volume 29 • Issue 1 • 2022 • 21-35

The knotty politics of ginseng conservation and management in Appalachia

Justine Law

2022-01-22 Volume 29 • Issue 1 • 2022 • 36-50

A political ecology of aviation and development: an analysis of relations of power and justice in the (de)construction of Nepal's Second International Airport

Hanna Geschewski and Mine Islar

2022-01-28 Volume 29 • Issue 1 • 2022 • 51–75

Autonomous re-naturalization of cities in a context of degrowth

Maria Espín

2022-03-10 Volume 29 • Issue 1 • 2022 • 75–93

Agrarian modernization through "ideal agricultural subjects": a lost cause for smallholders in Rwanda?

Maya Pasgaard, Sung Kyu Kim, Neil Dawson and Niels Fold

2022-03-25 Volume 29 • Issue 1 • 2022 • 100–122

A political ecology of jurisdictional REDD+: investigating social-environmentalism, climate change mitigation, and environmental (in)justice in the Brazilian Amazon

Marcelo Santos Rocha da Silva and Joel Edward Correia

2022-03-30 Volume 29 • Issue 1 • 2022 • 123–142

Radical social innovations and the spatialities of grassroots activism: navigating pathways for tackling inequality and reinventing the commons

Elia Apostolopoulou, Dimitrios Bormpoudakis, Alexandros Chatzipavlidis, Juan José Cortés Vázquez, Ioana Florea, Mary Gearey, Julyan Levy, Julia Loginova, James Ordner, Tristan Partridge, Alejandra Pizarro, Hannibal Rhoades, Kate Symons, Céline Veríssimo and Noura Wahby

2022-04-05 Volume 29 • Issue 1 • 2022 • 144–188

Monster plants: the vegetal political ecology of Lacandonia schismatica

Leticia Durand and Juanita Sundberg

2022-04-10 Volume 29 • Issue 1 • 2022 • 189–207

Ranked-out waterscapes: an ethnography of resistance and exclusion in a U.S.-Mexico border colonia

Chilton Lee Tippin

2022-04-10 Volume 29 • Issue 1 • 2022 • 208–222

Quand la recherche transdisciplinaire en environnement promet/promeut un mode de gouvernement: genèse du programme "éco-acteurs" dans les Réserves de biosphère françaises

Théo Jacob and Christine Hervé

2022-04-16 Volume 29 • Issue 1 • 2022 • 223–246

Social-Ecological Peace – A framework to analyze the transition from violence to peace in post-conflict areas, applied to Aceh, Indonesia

Yanuardi Yanuardi, Bettina Bluemling and Frank Biermann

2022-04-18 Volume 29 • Issue 1 • 2022 • 247–265

Ten recommendations for political ecology case research

Cornelia Helmcke

2022-05-04 Volume 29 • Issue 1 • 2022 • 266–277

Reshaping Louisiana's coastal frontier: managed retreat as colonial decontextualization

Nathan Jessee

2022-05-10 Volume 29 • Issue 1 • 2022 • 277–301

Epistemic communities in political ecology: critical deconstruction or radical advocacy?

Lise Desvallées, Xavier Arnauld de Sartre and Christian Kull

2022-05-19 Volume 29 • Issue 1 • 2022 • 309–340

Mining companies, indigenous communities, and the state: the political ecology of lithium in Chile (Salar de Atacama) and Argentina (Salar de Olaroz-Cauchari)

Felix Malte Dorn and Hans Gundermann

2022-05-28 Volume 29 • Issue 1 • 2022 • 341–359

Examining the EU Forest Law Enforcement, Governance and Trade (FLEGT) action plan in Ghana through a governmentality lens

Christian Pilegaard Hansen

2022-06-08 Volume 29 • Issue 1 • 2022 • 360–382

The political logics of EU-FLEGT in Thailand’s multistakeholder negotiations: Hegemony and resistance

Sophie R Lewis and Janette Bulkan

2022-06-19 Volume 29 • Issue 1 • 2022 • 383–404

Forgotten pioneers in degrowth: John Africa and the MOVE Organization

Anthony T. Fiscella

2022-06-19 Volume 29 • Issue 1 • 2022 • 405–429

Environmental defenders suffering death threats and "under protection" in the state of Pará, Eastern Amazonia, Brazil

Jondison Cardoso Rodrigues, Raione Lima Campos and José Raimundo Santana

2022-06-27 Volume 29 • Issue 1 • 2022 • 430–454

Reterritorialization of community forestry: Scientific forest management for commercialization in Nepal

Dil Bahadur Khatri, Dinesh Paudel, Adam Pain, Kristina Marquardt and Sanjaya Khatri

2022-07-06 Volume 29 • Issue 1 • 2022 • 455–474

Deconstructing citizenship and the growth of Detroit's green renaissance

Jennifer S. Carrera

2022-07-07 Volume 29 • Issue 1 • 2022 • 475–495

Apples and oranges: political crops with and against the state in rural China

Sarah Rogers, Xiao Han and Brooke Wilmsen

2022-07-26 Volume 29 • Issue 1 • 2022 • 496–512

Pestering capitalism: thinking with Halyomorpha halys about multispecies relations and ecological unsustainability

João Aldeia

2022-08-04 Volume 29 • Issue 1 • 2022 • 513–533

Plastics pollution as waste colonialism in Te Moananui

Sascha Fuller, Tina Ngata, Stephanie B. Borrelle and Trisia Farrelly

2022-08-15 Volume 29 • Issue 1 • 2022 • 534–560

Whose limit? Water and democracy in a Green Californian Desert

Birgit Müller and Elise Boutié

2022-08-14 Volume 29 • Issue 1 • 2022 • 561–586

"Not all crises are created equal": Online narratives about COVID-19 and induced earthquakes in the province of Groningen, The Netherlands

Elisabeth Nicole Moolenaar

2022-08-17 Volume 29 • Issue 1 • 2022 • 587–603

De guardianes a vigilantes vigilados. Las múltiples gubernamentalidades en Metzabok y en Nahá, Selva Lacandona, Chiapas, México

Tatiana Deyanira Gómez Villalpando and Tim Trench

2022-09-25 Volume 29 • Issue 1 • 2022 • 618–638

The vegan industrial complex: the political ecology of not eating animals

Amy Trauger

2022-10-16 Volume 29 • Issue 1 • 2022 • 639–655

The many-headed Hydra: assessing the Indigenous-hydropower cycle in Costa Rica

Emily Benton Hite

2022-10-28 Volume 29 • Issue 1 • 2022 • 656–671

Conflicto armado interno y ambiente en Colombia: análisis desde los conflictos ecológicos, 1960-2016

Mario Pérez-Rincón, María del Pilar Peralta Ardila, Fabián Méndez and Irene Vélez-Torres

2022-11-01 Volume 29 • Issue 1 • 2022 • 672–703

Coastal erosion narratives in the Gulf of Mexico: implications for climate change governance

Luz María Vázquez and Peter Vandergeest

2022-11-03 Volume 29 • Issue 1 • 2022 • 705–724

Living in the forest as a pluriverse: nature conservation and indigeneity in India’s Western Ghats

Miho Ishii

2022-12-19 Volume 29 • Issue 1 • 2022 • 725–740

On critical proximity: Distance, difference, and digital sociality

Jennifer L. Johnson and Alder Keleman Saxena

2022-12-31 Volume 29 • Issue 1 • 2022 • 741–761


Symmetrical, non-sovereign cartography as a means for conservation: insights from a participatory forest mapping exercise

K. N. Gomathy

2022-03-11 Volume 29 • Issue 1 • 2022 • 94–100

Learning with the seed bomb: on a classroom encounter with abolition ecology

Aoife K. Pitts, Benjamin Trost, Nathaniel Trost, Ben Hand and Jared Margulies

2022-05-16 Volume 29 • Issue 1 • 2022 • 302–308

The violence of disavowing Indigenous governance: exposing the colonial politics of "development" and FPIC in the Caribbean

Toledo Anonymous Collective, Levi Gahman, Filiberto Penados and Shelda-Jane Smith

2022-08-20 Volume 29 • Issue 1 • 2022 • 604–617

Book Reviews

Book review of Noam Chomsky and Marv Waterstone. 2021. Consequences of capitalism: manufacturing discontent and resistance

Serena Mombelli

2022-06-30 Volume 29 • Issue 1 • 2022

Book review of Norgaard, Kari Marie. 2019. Salmon and acorns feed our people: colonialism, nature and social action

Jake William Dean

2022-07-10 Volume 29 • Issue 1 • 2022

Book review of Petryna, A. 2022. Horizon work: at the edges of knowledge in an age of runaway climate change

Jordan Thomas

2022-08-01 Volume 29 • Issue 1 • 2022

Book review of M. Schmelzer, A. Vetter, and A. Vansintjan. 2022. The future is degrowth: A guide to a world beyond capitalism.

Nikos Trantas

2022-08-04 Volume 29 • Issue 1 • 2022

Revisión de Pedro Bravo. 2018. Exceso de equipaje. Por qué el turismo es un gran invento hasta que deja de serlo

Pedro Azevedo and Xerardo Pereiro

2022-08-06 Volume 29 • Issue 1 • 2022

Book review of Brondo, Keri Vacanti. 2021. Voluntourism and multispecies collaboration: life, death, and conservation in the Mesoamerican Barrier Reef

Jake William Dean

2022-10-28 Volume 29 • Issue 1 • 2022