Volume 31 • Issue 1 • 2024


Valuing conservation and socio-environmental services on an Amazon frontier: the Extractive Reserves of the Terra do Meio

Roberto Rezende, Gabe Schwartzman, Jefferson Straatmann and Augusto Postigo

2024-01-08 Volume 31 • Issue 1 • 2024 • 8–30

La construcción de sentidos sobre un territorio de sacrificio en un conflicto socioambiental por la producción de bioetanol en la ciudad de Córdoba, Argentina

Erika Saccucci

2024-01-14 Volume 31 • Issue 1 • 2024 • 31–47

"The companies are powerful, people are weak": India's solar energy ambitions and the legitimation of dispossession in Rajasthan

Shayan Shokrgozar and Bérénice Girard

2024-01-23 Volume 31 • Issue 1 • 2024 • 48–66

Austerity: An environmentally dangerous idea

Maria Kaika, Rita Calvário and Giorgos Velegrakis

2024-01-24 Volume 31 • Issue 1 • 2024 • 67–81

Hydropolitical potentialities in a post-'Day Zero' Cape Town: "Sensemaking" and the Cape Flats Aquifer

Matthew Wingfield

2024-02-22 Volume 31 • Issue 1 • 2024 • 82–97

Justice in fishing territories: Human rights violations in artisanal fisheries analyzed by the Colombian Constitutional Court

Isabela Figueroa, Lina M Saavedra-Díaz, Paula Satizábal, Gina Noriega-Narváez and Yulibeth Velásquez-Mendoza

2024-03-06 Volume 31 • Issue 1 • 2024 • 98–115

Motofish and Trashfish: Food values and rifts at the agrarian frontier

Courtney Work and David Ader

2024-03-09 Volume 31 • Issue 1 • 2024 • 116–136

¿Post conservación de territorios indígenas y campesinos en América Latina?

Tlacaelel Rivera-Núñez

2024-03-10 Volume 31 • Issue 1 • 2024 • 137–157

"Penang Rejects Reclamation": Pre-capitalist worldviews and post-development ideals within a Malaysian environmental movement

Daniele Speziale

2024-03-14 Volume 31 • Issue 1 • 2024 • 158–177

The political economy of deforestation in the Colombian Amazon

Paula Andrea Sánchez García and Grace Yee Wong

2024-03-23 Volume 31 • Issue 1 • 2024 • 178–199

Beyond the REDD+ neoliberal environmentality and its discontents in Southern Tanzania

Danstan Mukono

2024-03-24 Volume 31 • Issue 1 • 2024 • 200–216

"Living in the time of the butterfly:" Engaging more-than-human temporalities to rethink biodiversity conservation

Columba González-Duarte and Roberto Méndez-Arreola

2024-03-26 Volume 31 • Issue 1 • 2024 • 217–233

Storytelling in precarious landscapes: Insights from a photovoice project in rural Appalachia

Jamie E. Shinn

2024-04-01 Volume 31 • Issue 1 • 2024 • 234–256

Transformative learning at the community-university-land interface: A political ecology of knowledge, education and health

Ben Brisbois, Dahlia Benedikt, Marlena Dang-Nguyen, Sandrine M. Mudakenga, Andrea A. Cortinois, Raglan Maddox, Lisa Mychajluk, Blake Poland and Keiwan Wind

2024-05-02 Volume 31 • Issue 1 • 2024 • 257–277

Striking for public power: Workers, energy and the nationalization of Puerto Rico's electrical grid, 1933-1941

Alex Standen

2024-05-22 Volume 31 • Issue 1 • 2024 • 278–294

A political ecology of shifting commons in the Pyrenees: Shepherds on the edge of production and amenity-based capitalism after the reintroduction of bears

Ferran Pons-Raga

2024-07-02 Volume 31 • Issue 1 • 2024 • 295–313

Bearing down: The political ecology of a policy monopoly in New Jersey black bear management

Franklin R Halprin

2024-07-11 Volume 31 • Issue 1 • 2024 • 314–329

De- and re-peasantization through wolves: A more-than-human political ecology of agrarian change

Valerio Donfrancesco

2024-08-04 Volume 31 • Issue 1 • 2024 • 586–603

Past shadows and gender roles: Human-elephant relations and conservation in Southern India

Rashmi Singh, Rohit Negi, Ajay Immanuel Gonji, Narayan Sharma and Rishi Kumar Sharma

2024-08-05 Volume 31 • Issue 1 • 2024 • 604–623

Visceral value: Nature-based recreation and embodied more-than-capitalist practices on United States Forest Service trails

Solana Kline

2024-10-13 Volume 31 • Issue 1 • 2024 • 768–788

On the political ontology of making things up in political ecology critique: An engagement with Bormpoudakis (2019) and Knudsen (2023)

Sian Sullivan

2024-10-17 Volume 31 • Issue 1 • 2024 • 789–805

The human-nature divide in European Union environmental policy

Louise Lamers

2024-10-17 Volume 31 • Issue 1 • 2024 • 806–830

Negotiating the legitimacy of conservation at mining frontiers: Evidence from Madagascar and the DR Congo

Marketta Vuola and Fergus O'Leary Simpson

2024-10-24 Volume 31 • Issue 1 • 2024 • 847–867

Special Section: Toxic dispossession and environmental violence in Latin America edited by Swistun, D., Lugo-Vivas, D. A. & Vélez-Torres, I.

Toxic dispossession and environmental violence in Latin America

Irene Vélez-Torres, Diego Andrés Lugo-Vivas and Débora A. Swistun

2024-07-11 Volume 31 • Issue 1 • 2024 • 330–335

"Soja = Glifosato + Paramilitares": Agro-extractivism and environmental violence in Paraguay

Arturo Ezquerro-Cañete

2024-04-20 Volume 31 • Issue 1 • 2024 • 336–350

Empobrecimiento e intoxicación de cuerpos-territorios en zonas cultivadas con coca y marihuana en Colombia

Irene Vélez-Torres, Carolina Moreno-Moreno and Diana Marcela Hurtado Chaves

2024-04-26 Volume 31 • Issue 1 • 2024 • 351–375

Experiencias tóxicas y género en la conflictividad socioambiental: Un análisis del liderazgo femenino para el caso chileno

Mayarí Castillo

2024-04-29 Volume 31 • Issue 1 • 2024 • 376–390

The politics of toxicity governance in Colombian gold mining

Christoph Kaufmann

2024-05-10 Volume 31 • Issue 1 • 2024 • 391–410

Silent violence to the core: Environmental suffering and suffocating uncertainties in the Colombian Caribbean coal industry

Diego Andrés Lugo-Vivas

2024-05-22 Volume 31 • Issue 1 • 2024 • 411–435

Special Section: 'The political ecology of green extractivism' (Part 2) edited by Alexander Dunlap and Judith Verweijen

The political ecologies of "green" extractivism(s): An introduction 

Alexander Dunlap, Judith Verweijen and Carlos Tornel

2024-07-23 Volume 31 • Issue 1 • 2024 • 436–463

Biodiversity conservation under green extractivism and armed neoliberalism in Colombia

Jane Kathryn Feeney

2024-02-20 Volume 31 • Issue 1 • 2024 • 464–487

A green extractivist railway? Exploring the political ecology of Europe’s largest infrastructure project

Andrea Brock

2024-01-03 Volume 31 • Issue 1 • 2024 • 488–515

The Andean zinc rush: Green extractivism and climate vulnerabilities in the Peruvian highland waterscapes

Anna Heikkinen

2024-03-31 Volume 31 • Issue 1 • 2024 • 516–537

Green and climate colonialities: Evidence from Arctic extractivisms

Ksenija Hanaček, Markus Kroger and Joan Martinez-Alier

2024-04-24 Volume 31 • Issue 1 • 2024 • 538–566

"Blood on the floor": The nickel commodity frontier and inter-capitalist competition under green extractivism

Mads Barbesgaard and Andy Whitmore

2023-12-22 Volume 31 • Issue 1 • 2024 • 567–585

Special Section: Political ecologies of education, edited by Hanne Svarstad & Tom Griffiths

Climate activism, environmental justice and ecopedagogy – a collaboration project between FFF activists and teacher candidates in Austria

Matthias Kowasch

2024-01-02 Volume 31 • Issue 1 • 2024

Race and the political ecology of education in Brazil: A spatial analysis of rural school closures

David Meek, Jane Daquin, Eduardo Paulon Girardi, Bernardo Mançano Fernandes, José Sobreiro do Filho, Rebecca Tarlau and Raquel Vuelta

2024-01-02 Volume 31 • Issue 1 • 2024

Environmental School Clubs in Tanzania: Learning to blame the "poor" and "uneducated"

Maria Gamlem Njau

2024-01-16 Volume 31 • Issue 1 • 2024

Special Section: Water in short supply, edited by Kathleen Sullivan and Sayd Randle

FERC, hydropower, and tribal rights: Confrontations at the Little Colorado River

Emily Benton Hite, Denielle Perry and Christian Fauser

2024-02-05 Volume 31 • Issue 1 • 2024

Big infrastructure and/as systemic flexibility: The Sites Reservoir story

Sayd Randle and David Linville

2024-05-22 Volume 31 • Issue 1 • 2024

Water thieves

Alyse Bertenthal

2024-05-22 Volume 31 • Issue 1 • 2024

Drought, settler law, and the Los Angeles Aqueduct: The shifting political ecology of water scarcity in California's eastern Sierra Nevada

Sophia L. Borgias

2024-06-06 Volume 31 • Issue 1 • 2024

Working (around/within/against) prior appropriation: Diverse hydrosocial practices to secure water for rivers

Alida Cantor, Thien-Kim Bui, Zachary Boyce and Jillian Farley

2024-06-11 Volume 31 • Issue 1 • 2024

Groundwater overdraft is water dispossession

Jessica Bremner

2024-06-20 Volume 31 • Issue 1 • 2024


Aging community, changing crops: The faith of grapes in Turkey

Atak Ayaz

2024-01-01 Volume 31 • Issue 1 • 2024 • 1–7

Ways of storing and using water: Experiences of uneven water scarcity in a water-rich region

Rinan Shah

2024-10-21 Volume 31 • Issue 1 • 2024 • 831–846

Grassroots Special Section: 'Colonialities of climate change and action' edited by N. De la Hoz, D. Silva-Garzón, N. Hernández-Vidal, L. Gutiérrez-Escobar, M. Hasenfratz, & B. Fladvad

Unraveling the colonialities of climate change and action

Nelsa De la Hoz, Diego Silva-Garzón, Nathalia Hernández Vidal, Laura Gutierrez Escobar, Martina Hasenfratz and Benno Fladvad

2024-08-18 Volume 31 • Issue 1 • 2024 • 624–635

Climate services for food security in Guatemala: An exploration of institutional dynamics in a colonial and neoliberal system

Harold Raul Bellanger

2024-03-30 Volume 31 • Issue 1 • 2024 • 636–646

Embedding Municipal Green Bonds in Mexico City's hydrosocial cycle: 'Green' debt and climate action narratives

Héctor Herrera

2024-03-30 Volume 31 • Issue 1 • 2024 • 647–664

Provincializing energy transitions

Larry Lohmann

2024-02-04 Volume 31 • Issue 1 • 2024 • 665–677