Traditional Manuscript

K-Pop and Critical Multicultural Art Education

Author: Hannah Kim Sions (Virginia Commonwealth University)

  • K-Pop and Critical Multicultural Art Education

    Traditional Manuscript

    K-Pop and Critical Multicultural Art Education



As a Korean American, I frequently notice the lack of non-stereotyped representations that are available in American visual culture. So when Korean pop music started to become popular in the States, I started to question what made Korean pop music accessible to the masses. To answer this question, I explored the history of Korean popular music and the complications associated with it. This paper is a critical reflection on how an exploration into Korean popular music highlighted the need for critical multicultural education in the arts classroom.

Keywords: Multicultural, visual culture, K-pop, Critical Multicultural Art Education

How to Cite:

Sions, H. K., (2018) “K-Pop and Critical Multicultural Art Education”, Journal of Cultural Research in Art Education 35(1), 44-54. doi:

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Published on
05 Sep 2018
Peer Reviewed