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2024/2025 Guidelines

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Submission Guidelines

The 2024/2025 application deadline is December 21st, 2024, by 11:59 PM Arizona time. To submit an article, please email your article as PDF or DOCX to

  • All currently enrolled University of Arizona undergraduate students can submit papers. We regret to say that we cannot accept work from students who have graduated in summer 2024 or earlier. December graduates are welcome to submit papers, though the journal will not be published until May 2025.
  • We accept work from any undergraduate field of study but preference may be given to individual works that synthesize multiple disciplines and intersect with the arts or humanistic social sciences (essays, theoretical pieces, and original research will all be accepted).
  • Preference will also be given to work that is written for a generalized academic audience, with the goal that students from different disciplines will be able to learn from each other.
  • Academic research pieces should be approximately 3,000–7,000 words.
  • Because AJIS is interdisciplinary, we will accept citations in APA, Chicago, or MLA format. Our one rule is that the citation style is used correctly and that it is consistent throughout the entire paper.
  • We encourage students to submit pieces of original research that were initially written for a class, including Capstone papers, theses, and other research essays, as well as works done outside of class, so long as they have not been previously published in a journal, and were written while the student was an undergraduate at the University of Arizona.
  • Submitters will be informed of their application status in mid-January. Our review system works via multiple rounds of revision; if the paper is selected to continue undergoing review, you will receive additional details on further steps to take with your paper between mid-January and up until publication in May 2025.


Submission Process

  • Articles must be submitted as a PDF or DOCX to by 11:59 PM Arizona time on December 21st, 2024.
  • Please title your email subject line "AJIS 24/25 Submission [First name] [Last name]"
  • Any questions can be sent to


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