What is the role of art education today; what should our preservice teachers know; what do we wish people outside of the field knew about us; how can we advocate for the importance of our work in the face of so much uncertainty in education broadly; how can our research speak to these questions; and how can we possibly tackle all of this with the amount of responsibilities we carry? Serving simultaneously as teachers, administrators, and researchers in our respective universities, we (Amanda and Cala) discuss these questions regularly. At times, it feels like too much, like we are navigating a cacophony of competing interests, tasks, and politics too accelerated to really be heard or to make a significant difference. But, together, we can be heard, and the articles in this issue provide an inspiring spectrum of approaches and examples of artists and educators engaged in active pedagogies for community connection and historical understanding on a local and global level.
How to Cite:
Alexander, A. & Coats, C., (2024) “Editorial: Blurring Boundaries & Building Community through Critical Awareness, Collective Action, & Creative Pedagogies”, Journal of Cultural Research in Art Education 41(1), 8-12. doi: https://doi.org/10.2458/jcrae.6753
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