In this article, we utilize duoethnography and Critical Race Theory (CRT) to address the state of Whiteness in art education and our own experiences; both concepts share the importance of including diverse narratives and challenging the dominant ones imposed by the construct of Whiteness. Through duoethnography, our narratives address instances of microaggressions, internalized racism and assimilation, as well as the lack of representation of diverse artists. We reflect on these experiences and the impact of Whiteness in our own lives. Through CRT, we are able to unpack the impact of our lived experiences and further discuss the implications for the future of our field.
Keywords: Critical Race Theory, deoethnography, art education, diversity, critical consciousness, representation
How to Cite:
Sions, H. K. & Coleman, A. C., (2019) ““The Team is All White”: Reflections of Art Educators of Color on Whiteness”, Journal of Cultural Research in Art Education 36(1), 29-55. doi: https://doi.org/10.2458/jcrae.4939
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