Whiteness is a racial discourse, whereas the category “white people” represents a socially constructed identity, usually based on skin colour. (Leonardo, 2009, p.169). White-ness, in this sense, refers to a set of assumptions, beliefs, and practices that place the interests and perspectives of White people at the center of what is considered normal and everyday. Critical scholarship on Whiteness is not an assault on White people themselves, it is an assault on the socially constructed and constantly reinforced power of White identifications, norms, and interests (Ladson-Billings & Tate, 1995).
Gillborn, 2015, p. 278
How to Cite:
Acuff, J. B., (2019) “Editorial: Whiteness and Art Education”, Journal of Cultural Research in Art Education 36(1), 8-12. doi: https://doi.org/10.2458/jcrae.4936
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