Traditional Manuscript

Editorial Introduction

Author: Elizabeth Garber (University of Arizona)

  • Editorial Introduction

    Traditional Manuscript

    Editorial Introduction



Is the Tower of Babel to be understood as a curse upon humankind or as a wealth of diversity? In art and visual culture education, were we to discuss it, the latter interpretation would prevail, for we have a long and deep engagement with valuing diverse cultures and differences among individuals, and working for social and educational change that will promote social justice. This issue of Journal of Cultural Research in Art Education (jCRAE) continues this rich heritage, with articles ranging from empowering youth experiencing disability to a self-examination of teaching multicultural art education to experiences of immigrant women, and from bases in the US, Syria, China, and Taiwan. Each of the authors works for social justice through education, envisioning another step towards social transformation. The authors use field-based methodologies, bringing readers teaching and learning experiences from classrooms, a field school, a gallery, and interviews.

How to Cite:

Garber, E., (2013) “Editorial Introduction”, Journal of Cultural Research in Art Education 30(1), 8-9. doi:

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Published on
27 Dec 2013