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Re|Centering Indigenous arts in art education: Decolonizing identity politics, censorship, and home

Author: Kevin Slivka (State University of New York (SUNY), New Paltz)

  • Re|Centering Indigenous arts in art education: Decolonizing identity politics, censorship, and home

    Traditional Manuscript

    Re|Centering Indigenous arts in art education: Decolonizing identity politics, censorship, and home



This manuscript critically examines the deployment and pervasiveness of Whiteness defined by structural power/knowledge relationships related to Indigenous ways of knowing and the arts. Spaces of inquiry include: settler colonial structures that perpetuate Indigenous cultural censorship exemplified during a three-day, professional development “Institute” that focused upon Native American art, education, and scholarship across a western-American tri-state region; additionally, the print exchange, “Home: Contemporary Indigenous Artists Responding,” is leveraged to re | center Indigenous arts in arts education, further informing critical multicultural art education and decolonizing research methodologies.

Keywords: Decolonizing research methodologies, Indigenous knowledge, Indigenous art, Whiteness, cultural censorship, Critical Theory

How to Cite:

Slivka, K., (2019) “Re|Centering Indigenous arts in art education: Decolonizing identity politics, censorship, and home”, Journal of Cultural Research in Art Education 36(3), 110-133. doi:

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