While research about contemporary Asian arts exhibited in mega museums has attracted growing attention, there is little dialogue concerning community-based art practices in everyday Asian and Asian American neighborhoods. This interview article highlights community-based art projects led by a grassroots organization, the Chinese Culture Center of San Francisco (CCC), to help understand Chinatown’s stories as shared and lived by the community during a challenging time. Hoi Leung, CCC’s chief curator, explained how the organization mobilized art to share diverse local stories, celebrate a sense of belonging, and raise public awareness about racial justice issues within the communities it serves. To counter socially constructed assumptions about Chinatown and its residents, CCC actively develops cross-sector partnerships to centralize underrepresented voices through community-based arts and projects.
Keywords: arts, contemporary Asian American art, community-based art, art education, Anti-Asian racism, non-profit organization, Chinatown
How to Cite:
Bao, X. & Leung, H., (2021) “Community-Based Art Projects in San Francisco Chinatown: A Survival Strategy”, Journal of Cultural Research in Art Education 38(1), 65-77. doi: https://doi.org/10.2458/jcrae.4796
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