What Would Bakhtin Do?
- Michael Holquist (Yale University)
Originally delivered as a lecture at the symposium Multilingual, 2.0? in Tucson (13 April 2012), Holquist—the eminent Slavic scholar, comparatist, and translator of Mikhail Bakhtin—explores in this essay the ontological instability of any distinction among multilingual, monolingual, and bilingual phenomena and practices. Drawing on Wilhelm von Humboldt, Noam Chomsky, and recently re-discovered writings of Ferdinand de Saussure, the essay deepens Holquist’s career-long exploration of the dialogical nature and grounding of linguistic practice, as well its implications for future theory-making in multilingualism studies.
Keywords: Bakhtin, Saussure, Chomsky, signification, dialogism, heteroglossia
How to Cite:
Holquist, M., (2014) “What Would Bakhtin Do?”, Critical Multilingualism Studies 2(1), 6-19.
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