Reading Worlds Literature with Samuel R. Delany: General Information and the Misery of Bodies
- Chris Meade (Appalachian State University)
Drawing on science fiction and object-oriented ontology, this article suggests new methods for conceiving a pluralized world(s) literature, through the lens of Samuel Delaney’s decades of worlds-making narrative. Meade offers the principle of subjunctivity and of fuzzy concepts as a means for expanding the theoretical presumptions of the World Literature debate in contemporary literature, and details the ways in which Delaney offers a narrative pedagogy of worldedness that goes on the Mercatorian confines of contemporary globalization discourses.
Keywords: Samuel R. Delany, World Literature, Comparative Literature
How to Cite:
Meade, C., (2016) “Reading Worlds Literature with Samuel R. Delany: General Information and the Misery of Bodies”, Critical Multilingualism Studies 4(1), 71-94.
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