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Mehr Sprachigkeit – Mehr Identität? Multilingualität und nationale Identität am Beispiel Luxemburg

  • Isabell Baumann (University of Luxembourg)


This essay surveys various historical approaches to understanding Luxemburg’s societal multilingualism—from that of a Mischkultur (mix culture), to a Zwischenland (“a land in between”), to a Kreuzungskultur (a culture of crossing), to more contemporary notions of linguistic and cultural hybridity. Against the backdop of Luxemburg’s complex history of linguistic development through various phases of foreign intervention and domination, Baumann surveys major figures in Luxemburg’s literary and cultural history, including Félix Thyes, Batty Weber, Jean-Pierre Erpelding, and the contributors to the bilingual journal Floréal.

Keywords: hybridity, multilingualism, Luxembourg, Sprachigkeit

How to Cite:

Baumann, I., (2016) “Mehr Sprachigkeit – Mehr Identität? Multilingualität und nationale Identität am Beispiel Luxemburg”, Critical Multilingualism Studies 4(1), 57-70.

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