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“I felt valued”: Multilingual microteachings and the development of teacher agency in a teacher education classroom

  • Theresa Catalano (University of Nebraska-Lincoln)
  • Hanihani C. Traore Moundiba (University of Nebraska-Lincoln)
  • Hadi Pir (University of Nebraska-Lincoln)


While much research has been conducted on multilingual pedagogies needed to better serve emergent bi/multilingual students, there is little research that examines the use of multilingual pedagogies in language teacher education programs. This study fills this gap, using collaborative auto-ethnography to examine microteaching activities/reflections of three researcher/participants in a teacher education course on multilingualism.  The authors found that there were several challenges to implementing the multilingual pedagogies, and that understanding the theory behind the pedagogies was important. Moreover, the novice teachers were able to reflect on their own multilingual practices and felt valued in the process, which led them to have more empathy for their own multilingual students. The study also identifies the development of teacher agency which empowered teachers to try similar approaches in their own classrooms, and advocate for their multilingual students in a variety of contexts.

Keywords: translanguaging, microteachings, multilingual pedagogies, teacher education, teacher agency

How to Cite:

Catalano, T., Traore Moundiba, H. & Pir, H., (2019) ““I felt valued”: Multilingual microteachings and the development of teacher agency in a teacher education classroom”, Critical Multilingualism Studies 7(3), 55–76.

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