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Section 1: Special Issue

Whose Pedagogical Practices? Re-Emerging as an Unlearner in the Spanish Classroom

  • Glenda Mejía orcid logo (RMIT University)


About this piece:

This article is the result of a dialogue with my mind, my body, my ancestors, and my experiences of living in an unceded land where monolingualism exists despite the pervasive presence of other languages. Therefore, I start with the Acknowledgement of Country. I would also like to flag my purposeful use of Spanish language. I advise the reader to keep in mind that those Spanish words used interchangeably with English belong to me and to my own internal linguistic perspective. I transfer those words from my mind/heart/mouth to this contribution without thinking but as part of my repertoire. Otheguy, García, and Reid (2015) would call this translanguaging.


Acknowledgement of country:

English: In this course, students and educators acknowledge the Woi Wurrung and Boon Wurrung language groups of the Kulin Nations, and their traditional unceded lands on which we find ourselves today teaching this course at RMIT University. We respectfully recognise Elders both past, present, and future. My respect also extends to all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples of Australia, as well as any Aboriginal people present in this course and any Indigenous people from others part of the world.


Español: En este curso, estudiantes y educadores reconocemos a los grupos lingüísticos Woi Wurrung y Boon Wurrung de la Naciones de Kulin, en cuyas tierras tradicionales no cedidas nos encontramos hoy enseñando este curso en la Universidad de RMIT. Presentamos nuestros respectos a los Ancianos y a las Ancianas tanto a los antepasados y las antepasadas como a los y las actuales. Mi respeto también se extiende a todos las personas Aborígenes e Isleños del Estrecho de Torres de Australia, así como a cualquier Aborigen presente en este curso y a cualquier Pueblo Indígena de otras partes del mundo.

Keywords: Sensing/thinking, pedagogies of liberation, autoethnography, Spanish language-culture, non-colonial

How to Cite:

Mejía, G., (2024) “Whose Pedagogical Practices? Re-Emerging as an Unlearner in the Spanish Classroom”, Critical Multilingualism Studies 11(2), 1-20.

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