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Author Guidelines

All submissions, questions, and comments should be sent to the Editor via email (

Authors need to include in the submission email a paragraph that should state:

  1. the information in the paper is new with neither the entire paper nor any part of its content has been published or has been accepted elsewhere;
  2. it is not being submitted to any other journal;
  3. each of the authors has contributed to, read, and approved the manuscript;
  4. none of the authors has any conflict of interest, financial or otherwise (a form will be provided if accepted for publication for authors to detail);
  5. all animal or human subject work has been approved by the appropriate agencies and for human subjects that informed consent has been obtained (these statements also need to be included in the manuscript); and
  6. the journal LYMPHOLOGY will retain copyright to the published manuscript and its contents.

All manuscripts should be submitted via e-mail to Include physical address, telephone, and fax numbers. The first page of the manuscript should present the title of the paper, name of author(s), highest academic degree and the name of the department and institution in which the work was done. Manuscripts should be double-spaced and submitted including text pages, legends, tables, and references. Legends should be typed double-spaced on a separate page.

The abstract should precede the first page of the text and generally contain no more than 200 words.

Keywords (3-5) should reflect the central topic of the article. Keywords should be typed on the page carrying the abstract. Since the keywords will be used for indexing, they should be specific and avoid terms that are nonspecific or that may be broadly interpreted.

Organize the manuscript into four main headings: Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, and Discussion. If a brand name is cited, supply the manufacturer's name and address (city and state/country). Acknowledge all forms of support (including pharmaceutical and industry) in an Acknowledgments paragraph at the end of the manuscript.

Ethical Considerations:
All studies involving humans must have clear statements confirming subjects’ informed consent as well as Institutional Review Board (or equivalent) approval and be in accordance with the Helsinki Declaration (2013 revision). All animal research must also include applicable approvals and a statement confirming adherence to appropriate guidelines. See also Protection of Research Participants at ICMJE ( The Editors and Editorial Board also reserve the right to further question ethical considerations concerning human or animal research.

Conflict of Interest and Disclosure:
Following any acknowledgments, the authors must include a disclosure statement which includes EVERY author declaring actual or potential conflict of interest. If no conflict exists, then the authors must state "All authors declare no competing financial interests exist." The Editors and Editorial Board also reserve the right to further question Conflicts of Interest and Disclosures.

References should be numbered consecutively as they appear in the text and names of up to three authors are requested after which "et al" is preferred.

Article: Becker F, P Yi, M Al-Kofahi, et al: Lymphatic dysregulation in intestinal inflammation: new insights into inflammatory bowel disease pathomechanisms. Lymphology 47 (2014), 3-27.
Book: Földi M, E Földi, RHK Strobenreuther, S Kubik (Eds): Textbook of Lymphology, 3rd Edition. Elsevier, Munich, 2012.

Standard abbreviations should be used consistently. Unusual or coined abbreviations should be spelled out the first time in the text with the abbreviation following in parenthesis.

Photographs, line drawings, graphs and other images should be individually saved and supplied as: TIFF, GIF, or high quality JPEG files to a minimum of 300 dpi. All images need to be submitted as individual image only files and not embedded in the manuscript text or within other programs (Word, PowerPoint, etc.).

Tables should be typed on separate pages and numbered with arabic numerals. A brief title should follow the table number. All unusual units of measurement, acronyms and abbreviations should be explained in a legend at the bottom of the table.