Report on the "Third International Conference on Lymphatic Tissue and Germinal Centers in Immune Reabtions"
- M.W Hess
The third "Germinal Center Conference" was organized by the Department of Histology, University of Uppsala (K. Lindahl-Kiessling, K. E. Fichtelius, ]. Linna, R. C. Hard, T. Brenning, 0. Back) in collaboratibn with the Biology Division, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge (M. G. Hanna, jr.). In a partial break with the traditional pattern established in the two preceeding conferences, more than 50 papers on topics only partly concerned with germinal center function were presented in 10 consecutive scientific sessions.
Although the proceedings of the meeting will be ready for publication early in 1971, a short annotation on some of the presentations may provide advance information.
How to Cite:
Hess, M., (1971) “Report on the "Third International Conference on Lymphatic Tissue and Germinal Centers in Immune Reabtions"”, Lymphology 4(1), 3-9.
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