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Author Guidelines

In order to bring some consistency to the JPE style, here are some simple guidelines applying to articles published in JPE.


Submission Guidelines

Submissions should be made in Word or compatible program to the journal website, which you are on. We take articles in English, French or Spanish, although the majority are in English. The submission system requires authors to register first. If graphics are very large, enclose them separately. All graphics should be of publication quality. Maps and photos, to illustrate fieldwork locations and so-on, are encouraged – this is an online journal.

JPE has no arbitrary length limits, but average article length is between 8,000 and 12,000 words including references. Exceptionally long submissions will need to be even more significant to the field than shorter ones. Articles are double-blind refereed, which usually takes at least 3 months, but bear with us. Authors will receive reviewers' comments back through the journal website via email, usually with an editorial comment.

We have many submissions to the Journal that do not contribute, to, or mention, political ecology. Political ecology sources are sometimes absent from a bibliography. Articles need to show a contribution to this interdisciplinary field of scholarly work; political ecology. All articles should do so, otherwise we will suggest publication elsewhere.

For preparing the final version after refereeing:
The Journal is produced on a voluntary basis, with no funding, by academics who take time out of their working week. Therefore, submitting your final version as close as possible to house style will help swift publication. We have no automated formatting – all is done by hand using Word and PDF.

Title: centralized, 16 pt.

Abstract and key words are needed at the beginning (eventually in three languages – do what you can, then we will help).

Peculiarities (we appreciate some help in laying up the final version, to enable quicker publication)

  • Select American-sized paper (Letter, 81/2 x 11 inches) not A4
  • American English is used. E.g. "Marginalized" not "Marginalised", "Labor" not "Labour"
  • Final text is Times Roman 10 point, 3 cm side margins. Vertical line spacing is exactly 12 pt for text, while footnotes are exactly 10pt. Select 2pt 'above' the paragraph.
  • Text is right and left justified. Paragraphs have a 1 cm indent on the first line.
  • Use straight quote marks not curly. i.e. " ' . We can do this of course; hard to find this feature in Word.
  • et al. is italicized and presented like that.
  • replace reference to this 'paper' or essay with 'article'
  • Species names are underlined "Santalum sp., dominated by Santalum album in Timor"
  • Local names and in other languages are italicized "West Timorese still refer to sandalwood as hau lasi (tree of conflict or dispute)"
  • Section headings are numbered in 12 point and lower case. E.g. 4. Background to the study. Subheadings are in 10 pt. italics, not numbered. We don't like sub-sub headings – they are usually unnecessary.
  • Currency: US$10,000. U.S. dollar eqvts. in brackets when using other currencies. Weights and measures: metric please, or metric equivalents in brackets. The world rarely understands U.S. measures like 'quarts', 'miles' and 'acre feet'.

In Word, make the first page a separate 'section' without headers and footers displayed. Headers and footers on subsequent page run as follows:

Bloggs                                                                              The political ecology of rice

Journal of Political Ecology                          Vol. 20, 2013                                                    2

References in text – usually given at end of sentence, and in APA format e.g. (West and Brockington, 2006). (Freedman, 2002; Klooster ,2000)

Reference list style (note lower case always, and indents of 1 cm).
Please do your best to use the APA format [version 6 is more elegant than 7]  []– the editors frequently spend hours revising and checking reference lists. They have to be correct because the data is used by Google Scholar and Scopus for indexing and citation analysis. We don't personally use Endnote, so its features need to be turned off. If references have stable online links -- on a journal or personal site that may last a few years – please add them. We realize APA has gone through some changes - some packages use older variants. Consistency is key. 

Jenkins, K. (2017). Women anti-mining activists' narratives of everyday resistance in the Andes: staying put and carrying on in Peru and Ecuador. Journal of Gender, Place, and Culture, 24(1), 1441-1459.  ADD A DOI and make it live if it links to a complete  text of article


Joshi, D. K., Hailu, M. F., & Reising, L. J. (2020). Violators, virtuous, or victims? How global newspapers represent the female member of parliament. Feminist Media Studies, 20(5), 692-712. ADD A DOI and make it live if it links to a complete article

Le Billon, P., & Lujala, P. (2020). Environmental and land defenders: Global patterns and determinants of repression. Global Environmental Change, 65(1), 102–163. ADD A DOI and make it live if it links to complete article

Martinez-Alier, J. (2002). The environmentalism of the poor. A study of ecological conflicts and valuation. Edward Elgar.


Martinez-Alier J. & O'Connor M. (1996). Ecological and economic distribution conflicts. In Costanza R., Segura O., & Martinez-Alier J. (Eds.) Getting down to earth: Practical applications of ecological economics. (pp. 153–183). Island Press.

Temper L., Del Bene D., Martinez-Alier J. (2015). Mapping the frontiers and front lines of global environmental justice: The EJAtlas. Journal of Political Ecology, 22(1), 255–278.

UNEP (n.d.). Who are environmental defenders? Retrieved December 21, 2020, from


Footnotes - we prefer there to only be one footnote to a sentence. Footnote 1 will be your affiliation and acknowledgements when the final version is published.Please add it to you final proofed version. 


Book Reviews

Journal of Political Ecology - Book Review Guidelines

Book reviews should be between 600 and 1200 words in length. A good book review should provide readers with enough information to help them decide whether the book will be useful. JPE accepts reviews of books published within the last four years (some exceptions for slightly older, influential books can be made) in political ecology, as well as longer reviews of multiple books over time on a given topic area. Please reference the JPE style guidelines for formatting. However, note that reviews do not require abstracts. Additionally, please title your submission according to the following format: Book review of [Book author(s)]. Year published. Book title

To see books received by JPE that still need review, please visit this link to select a title. We are also welcome to reviews in the political ecology space that are not listed in this database. Then, send an email to and with JPE Book Review in the subject line noting the book you wish to review. Please include your shipping address in your email.

We will review and publish submissions in the order received. You may submit your book review in English, French, or Spanish.