This article explicitly connects a growing body of specific literature, the political ecology of conservation, to some of the often overlooked, main conceptual components emerging from political anthropology and geography (sources of legitimacy, governmentality, territoriality, or state making), political economy (commoditization, market integration, niche markets, or gentrification), and cultural studies of the environment (cultural transformations of nature, cultural heritage and landscapes, taste, and identity politics). All these concepts and literary fields are at the basis of the contemporary social analysis of conservation policies and their consequences. The article also provides an updated large bibliography on the concepts potentially relevant to a political ecology of conservation.
Keywords: conservation, governmentality, taste, nature, commoditization of nature, territoriality
How to Cite:
Vaccaro, I., Beltran, O. & Paquet, P. A., (2013) “Political ecology and conservation policies: some theoretical genealogies”, Journal of Political Ecology 20(1), 255-272. doi: https://doi.org/10.2458/v20i1.21748
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