Inception and Manner of Development of the Lymph Vessels in the Chick Embryo Heart
- E Klika
- L Antalikova
- Z Rychter
- R Jelinek
The initial stages of development of the cardiac lymph vessels were studied in 30 chick embryos from the 9th to 14th day of incubation. The microinjection technique in correspondence to light and electronmicroscopical analysis was used.
As a rule, mesenchymal cells form part of the wall of the primitive lymph vessels and capillary. There is practically no difference between these cells and the primitive endothelium. The vascular wall is connected to the surrounding mesenchyme by numerous processes and in places it communicates freely with the mesenchymal intercellular space. With advancing development, communications with the intercellular spaces disappear in the larger lymphatics. The development of the lymph capillary in the periphery is promoted by mitoses of primitive endothelial cells and incorporation of mesenchymal cells into the lining of the lymph bed. The differentiation of mesenchymal cells to endothelial cells occurs. During the period in question the lymph capillary wall has no basal lamina. The incorporation of mesenchymal cells into the lymph capillary bed, is followed by transformation of the simple mesenchymal cell contacts into the complex interdigitations typical for the lymph capillary endothelium. Differentiation of the lymph vessels and capillaries does not progress beyond the simple endothelial tube stage during the period in which these observations were carried out.
How to Cite:
Klika, E., Antalikova, L., Rychter, Z. & Jelinek, R., (1972) “Inception and Manner of Development of the Lymph Vessels in the Chick Embryo Heart”, Lymphology 5(4), 137-148.
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