Thoracic Duct Drainage during Lymphangiography
- V Kren
- V Bartos
- B Brzek
In 26 patients lymphangiography was combined with the thoracic duct drainage and with the removal of the contrast medium passing via the thoracic duct. In patients with intact lymph nodes 33.0 per cent and in patients with tumorous involvement of lymph nodes 18.5 per cent of the contrast medium were removed and thus prevented to enter the blood circulation. Thoracic duct drainage prevented the increase in serum GOT which was found in patients submitted tQ lymphangiography without the thoracic duct drainage. Thoracic duct drainage was supposed to be effective in reducing the risk of oil embolism in lymphangiography.
How to Cite:
Kren, V., Bartos, V. & Brzek, B., (1972) “Thoracic Duct Drainage during Lymphangiography”, Lymphology 5(3), 106-110.
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