Some Errors About Asellius and the Chyliferous Vessels
- L Arvy
It is widely accepted that Asellius died in 1926, and that his handwritten notes have been edited by two of his friends or disciples in 1627.
Though there is a general agreement on this point, discordances and errors appear and multiply on several items, i.e. a) about the place where Asellius lectured: Pavia (8), Milano (9) and Padova (7); b) about the place where the discovery was made: Pavia, according to Hahn (8), Rodriguez (12) and Cronkite (5), but more probably Milano (9, 4); c) about the, though memorable date, when Asellius saw that part of the products of the intestinal digestion did not go to the liver by way of the mesaraic veins (like it was taught at that time), but passed into the "milky veins" or "lacteal vessels": Veith (14) and Cronkite (5) mention 1622, Hahn (8) indicates July 23rd 1623, Hahn et al. (7) indicate July 2.'3rd 1622, while Drinker and Field (6) do not hesitate to let Asellius make his discovery in 1627, five years late and two years after his death; and d) about the names of those who assured the posthumous publication of Asellius' work: Taddino and Settala according to Hahn (8) and Henry (9), Talino and Settala according to Costanzi (4), Tabino and Septalio according to Battezzati et al. (2), and in reality Tadinus and Septalius.
How to Cite:
Arvy, L., (1972) “Some Errors About Asellius and the Chyliferous Vessels”, Lymphology 5(1), 49-51.
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