Lymphatic Dissemination of Cancer Cells in Mice Transplanted lntratibially with Ehrlich Carcinoma
- G. Franchi
- I Reyers-Degli Innocenti
- S. Garattini
- O Alfieri
- G Cademartiri
- G. Ottaviani
Ehrlich carcinoma cells implanted in the marrow cavity of the tibia in Swiss mice induce the formation of visible metastases in axillary lymph-nodes. The pattern of the lymphatic vessels in the tumor implantation area was investigated. Cancer cells were found in lymph samples taken from the subcutaneous inguino-axillary lymphatic trunk. The blockade of this lymphatic vessel by a polyvinylic resin resulted in a different distribution of lymphnodal metastases, while the hematic dissemination of cancer cells was unaffected. The results are discussed in relation to the pathogenesis of the axillary metastases in the considered experimental model.
Previous studies (1) indicated that Ehrlich carcinoma implanted in the marrow cavity of the tibia in Swiss mice induced the formation of visible metastases in distant lymphnodes such as axillary, paraortic, thoracic, paravertebral, and cervical nodes. These findings suggested a study to identify the lymphatic circulation in the posterior leg of the mouse after the intratibial transplantation of Ehrlich carcinoma and to analyse the distribution of lymphnodal metastases after inducing lymphodynamic changes.
How to Cite:
Franchi, G., Reyers-Degli Innocenti, I., Garattini, S., Alfieri, O., Cademartiri, G. & Ottaviani, G., (1972) “Lymphatic Dissemination of Cancer Cells in Mice Transplanted lntratibially with Ehrlich Carcinoma”, Lymphology 5(1), 31-36.
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