Comparative I Studies of Lymph and Lymphocytes of the Thora'1ic Duct and Right Lymphatic Duct I. Normal Dogs
- S.E. Leeds
- H.N. Uhley
- C.M. Basch
- E.H. Rosenbaum
- J.M. Yoffey
The thoracic duct drains principally the abdominal viscera and lower extremities, the left upper limb and left side of the head and neck, while the right lymphatic duct drains most of the lungs, serous cavities, right upper extremities and right side of the head and neck.
A comparison of the two systeμ1s was made by the simultaneous drainage of lymph from the thoracic duct and right dμct whim was collected hourly for 5 hours. The purpose of the experiments was to study the rate of flow, lymphocyte content and output, morphologic types of cells and electrophoretic differences in the supernatant fluid of lymph from the two largest lymph systems in :the body.
How to Cite:
Leeds, S., Uhley, H., Basch, C., Rosenbaum, E. & Yoffey, J., (1971) “Comparative I Studies of Lymph and Lymphocytes of the Thora'1ic Duct and Right Lymphatic Duct I. Normal Dogs”, Lymphology 4(2), 53-57.
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