Disorders of the intestinal mesenteric lymphatic system
- U Fox
- G Lucani
Disorders of the intestinal lymphatic transport system are rare and typically associated with protein losing enteropathy (PLE). Hypoproteinemia caused by intestinal lymphangiectasia is often associated with lymphedema of the legs and occasionally with chyluria, chylometrorrhea and chylous ascites. This article examines the varied presentations of lymphangiectasia syndromes including its pathophysiology. Diagnosis is based on signs and symptoms, specific laboratory findings, and confirmed by contrast small bowel series, lymphography and best of all laparoscopy. We describe 12 patients with PLE secondary to primary intestinal lymphangiectasia (1980-1991). Treatment was non-operative (dietary) in 8 patients and surgical in 4 including segmental resections of the jejunum in two, lymphatic-mesenteric venous anastomosis in one, and peritoneal-venous (LeVeen) shunt in one with overall satisfactory results.
How to Cite:
Fox, U. & Lucani, G., (1993) “Disorders of the intestinal mesenteric lymphatic system”, Lymphology 26(2), 61-66.
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