When did literary ideas and Egyptian motifs first find their way to Israel/Judah? The article investigates modes of cultural contact in the Late Bronze and Iron Age (20th – 26th Dynasty). According to archaeological, epigraphic and literary material two ways of cultural contact can be found: an indirect one as a kind of ‘leftover’ of the Egyptian presence in the Southern Levant in the late Bronze Age (20th Dynasty) and a direct one in the 25th and 26th Dynasty. Because of the political development, within the 7th century for the first time direct political and various cultural contacts between Egypt and Israel/Judah existed. In Egypt this period represents a policy of openness in connection with a ‘renaissance’ of older material in the Saite Dynasty. This included wisdom texts, such as the teaching of Amenemope which was used by a Hebrew scribe when writing Proverbs 22:17-23:11.
How to Cite
Schipper, B. U., (2012) “Egypt and Israel: The Ways of Cultural Contacts in the Late Bronze Age and Iron Age (20th – 26th Dynasty)”, Journal of Ancient Egyptian Interconnections 4(3), 30-47. doi: https://doi.org/10.2458/azu_jaei_v04i3_schipper