
EDITORIAL: Thinking about Learning

Author: Gerald Ardito (Manhattanville College)

  • EDITORIAL: Thinking about Learning


    EDITORIAL: Thinking about Learning



This volume contains four articles that address the idea of how technology tools can enhance teaching and learning. Judy Henning and her colleagues look at the relationship between prior experience with 1:1 computing and its impact on teacher preparation. Annika Buell and Sohyun Meacham share their work to develop critical thinking regarding online text in second graders. human apart from and in concert with learning technologies. In their literature review, Hongyan Yang and Rachel Wong highlight research around the use of ePortfolios in post-secondary education. Finally, Matthew Botkin reviews Al Kingsley’s book My Secret #EdTech Diary.

Keywords: educational technologies, K-12 education, higher education, learning technologies, eportfolios, developing critical thinking, digital literacy, Issues and Trends in Learning

How to Cite:

Ardito, G., (2024) “EDITORIAL: Thinking about Learning”, Issues and Trends in Learning Technologies . doi: https://doi.org/10.2458/itlt.6130



Published on
15 Jun 2024