Author: I Ohara ( )
Various kinds of drugs are used to improve the lymphedema of the extremities. In this report, a dye transducer was applied on the site of edema of the leg, foot, or hand and indocyanine green was injected intravenously. The change of circulating dye was recorded by means of dye densitometer. The edematous tissue showed higher dye concentration with lapse of time, while drugs, i.e., Esberiven®, urokinase, kallikrein, etc., accelerated the dye dilution. These drugs have the effect to correct the stagnant microcirculation to a more steady flow in the region of edema.
How to Cite: Ohara, I. (1979) “THE CIRCULATORY EFFECT OF DRUG ON LYMPHEDEMA”, Lymphology. 12(1).