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Cell population in afferent lymph of human leg were defin ed by surface characteristics and cytotoxic activity in 7 normal men and 9 patients with localized cancer. A higher percentage of E-rosette forming cells was found in lymph (78.5 and 83.0) than in blood (60.0 and 63.0, p < 0.05 ). The percentage of lymph EA-RFC were 10.3 and 18.0, of EAC-RFC 13.1 and 8.0, of surface immunoglobulin carrying cells 3.0 and 3.1. In blood 20.6 and 18.0 percent of cells formed EA-rosettes, 23.0 and 15.6 EAC-rosettes, 5 and 9.5 contained surface immunoglobulins. The differences between lymph and blood EA- and EAC-RFC in normals were statistically significant (p < 0.05). In cancer patients only lymph-blood differences for S Ig+ were significant (p < 0.05). No significant differences were found between normals and cancer patient . In both groups, the natural cytotoxicity against K 562 cell was 6 times lower in lymph as compared to blood (p < 0.05 ), the cytotoxicity in those with cancer was higher than in normals (p < 0.05). The study indicates that B cells have a limited tendency toward leaving the blood circulation and migrating through tissues. Moreover natural killer cells do not seem to belong to the recirculating pool of lymphocytes.


How to Cite: Lukomska, B. , Olszewski, W. & Engeset, A. (1980) “IMMUNOLOGIC CHARACTERISTICS OF HUMAN PERIPHERAL LYMPH CELL POPULATIONS”, Lymphology. 13(4).