JSLAT Vol. 31 - Call for Manuscripts
Posted by Kate Shea on 2024-09-09
As a peer-reviewed, open-access publication of the University of Arizona’s Interdisciplinary Ph.D. Program in Second Language Acquisition and Teaching (SLAT), JSLAT is a venue for scholarly dialogue among the second language community (both practitioners and researchers) at large. Our past issues feature a wide variety of classroom contexts, regions of the world, languages, and language learners.
JSLAT offers an invaluable community for scholars to discuss issues and areas of SLA, both in- and out-of-classroom contexts, from a number of different disciplinary perspectives. This interdisciplinary approach to addressing real-world issues is a hallmark of the SLAT graduate interdisciplinary program.
JSLAT invites scholars at any stage of their academic career to submit original full-length manuscripts to be considered for publication in Volume 31. Papers from a variety of disciplines, especially interdisciplinary papers contributing to the scholarly discussion of teaching, learning and use of second, foreign, heritage languages, and multilingualism are welcome. First language studies with relevance to the above scope will also be considered. Papers may be empirical studies, research in progress, or conceptual/theoretical studies, however we ask that all manuscripts make an explicit connection to interdisciplinarity and real-world applications.
The full call for manuscripts can be viewed online, as well as guidelines for submission.
Tentative Publication Timeline ▪ January 12th, 2025: Submission deadline. ▪ January - March, 2025: Double-blind peer review. ▪ March 28th, 2025: Authors notified of the status. ▪ June 15th, 2025: Final draft submission. ▪ June 28th, 2025: Online publication of Volume 31.