An ongoing British Museum research project at Amara West, Ramesside administrative center of Upper Nubia (Kush), is producing a range of evidence that allows different experiences of the colonial environment to be investigated. This paper considers the formal built environment (walled town, temple and associated decorative programs), household space, domestic cult, material culture and the role of writing to explore individual and household responses when residing in a context (cultural, environmental) distinct from Egypt itself. Alongside consideration of the limitations of the available data, the evidence for an increasing heterogeneity of the town (and its inhabitants) is also covered.
How to Cite
Spencer, N., (2014) “Creating and Re-Shaping Egypt in Kush: Responses at Amara West”, Journal of Ancient Egyptian Interconnections 6(1), 42-61. doi: https://doi.org/10.2458/azu_jaei_v06i1_spencer