About The Journal

The Journal of Appellate Practice and Process is a professionally edited Journal that focuses on appellate law topics. According to HeinOnline, it is the “the only scholarly law journal to focus exclusively on issues, practices, and procedures of appellate court systems, both federal and state, both American and international.” It “provides a forum for creative thought and dialogue about the operation of appellate courts and their influence on the development of the law.”
The Journal was founded at the University of Arkansas at Little Rock’s William H. Bowen School of Law in 1999, and moved to the University of Arizona James E. Rogers College of Law in June 2020. It is edited in partnership with the National Institute for Trial Advocacy.
Since its founding, The Journal has published scores of important articles. Chief Justice William H. Rehnquist and Justices John Paul Stevens and Stephen G. Breyer of the United States Supreme Court have written for The Journal. Prominent federal and state appellate judges have also published in The Journal, including:
- Judge Frank M. Coffin of the First Circuit,
- Judge Robert A. Katzmann of the Second Circuit,
- Judge Ruggero J. Aldisert of the Third Circuit,
- Judge Richard Posner of the Seventh Circuit,
- Judge Richard S. Arnold of the Eighth Circuit,
- Chief Justice Randall T. Shepard of Indiana,
- Chief Justice Vincent L. McKusick of Maine,
- Chief Justice Charles B. Blackmar of Missouri, and
- Chief Judge Judith S. Kaye of New York.
The Journal has also published the work of leading legal scholars from law schools across the country that include the University of California at Berkeley, the University of Chicago, Columbia, Cornell, Duke, Georgetown, Harvard, the University of Michigan, New York University, Northwestern, the University of Pennsylvania, Stanford, the University of Virginia, and Yale.
Courts often refer to The Journal in their opinions, citing it over 100 times in 2019 alone.