Decolonizing biodiversity conservation science and practice involves a transition towards more locally rooted, plural, socially just, and convivial forms of conservation, moving away from mainstream conservation approaches, such as protected areas, sustainable resource management plans, or market-based instruments that are strongly rooted in Eurocentric ontologies and epistemologies. In this article, we introduce and review the contributions to the special issue "Decolonizing biodiversity conservation" and we identify six principles that can be thought of as starting points in efforts to decolonize conservation: recognition, reparation, epistemic disobedience, relationality, power subversion, and limits. We explain how these principles feature in the collection's contributions and how they can contribute to decolonizing conservation science, policy, and practice. We also acknowledge that there can be differences over meaning and emphasis regarding the principles among Indigenous and local peoples, scholars, and practitioners. Yet we think that their implementation can result in subtler and less universalizing conservation approaches.
Keywords: decolonization, conservation, biodiversity, principles, conviviality
How to Cite:
Corbera, E., Maestre-Andrés, S., Collins, Y. A., Mabele, M. B. & Brockington, D., (2024) “Decolonizing biodiversity conservation”, Journal of Political Ecology 28(1), 989–903. doi: https://doi.org/10.2458/jpe.5969
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