Grassroots Special Section: 'Post-growth food systems for a Just social-ecological transition within planetary boundaries'. Edited by CE Nedelciu, M Oostdijk, LG Elsler, JB Hinton, K Benabderrazik

Building solidarities and alliances between degrowth and food sovereignty movements

Authors: Michaela Pixová orcid logo (Charles University & BOKU - University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences) , Julia Spanier orcid logo (Utrecht University) , Leonie Guerrero Lara orcid logo (Utrecht University) , Jacob Smessaert orcid logo (Utrecht University) , Katie Sandwell (Transnational Institute) , Logan Strenchock orcid logo (Central European University) , Inea Lehner (ETH Zürich) , Jan Feist , Lisa Reichelt , Christina Plank orcid logo (BOKU - University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences)

  • Building solidarities and alliances between degrowth and food sovereignty movements

    Grassroots Special Section: 'Post-growth food systems for a Just social-ecological transition within planetary boundaries'. Edited by CE Nedelciu, M Oostdijk, LG Elsler, JB Hinton, K Benabderrazik

    Building solidarities and alliances between degrowth and food sovereignty movements

    Authors: , , , , , , , , ,


Degrowth and food sovereignty movements share commitments to social-ecological transformation, democracy and the flourishing of human and non-human life. Encounters between the two movements have been relatively limited, however. This contribution is based on a literature review and a workshop held at the 9th International Degrowth Conference in Zagreb, Croatia, in 2023, where activists, academics, and practitioners collectively explored alliance formation between degrowth and food sovereignty movements. It explores the barriers, gaps, and differences in their political and organizing traditions that may block opportunities for collaboration in different contexts. It also investigates cases of mutual support and collective organizing for transformation already in existence.

Keywords: degrowth, food sovereignty, alliance formation, social movements, social-ecological transformation

How to Cite:

Pixová, M., Spanier, J., Guerrero Lara, L., Smessaert, J., Sandwell, K., Strenchock, L., Lehner, I., Feist, J., Reichelt, L. & Plank, C., (2024) “Building solidarities and alliances between degrowth and food sovereignty movements”, Journal of Political Ecology 32(1). doi:

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  • Austrian Science Fund (FWF) (grant ZK-64G)
  • European Research Council (grant 802441)
  • Foundation for Baltic and East European Studies (grant 22-GP-0001)



Published on
21 Oct 2024
Peer Reviewed