This Special Issue seeks to offer empirical evidence of the forms of knowledge valued by different actors involved in water conservation practices, the dynamics of cross-fertilization dynamics, and possible tensions that emerge. It investigates knowledge dialogue and co-creation around water conservation through case studies at the local, regional and global levels, and including various types of actors – local and indigenous communities, parish and municipal governments, national governments and private businesses. It draws attention to the diverse voices and knowledge on water that are produced from the Global Souths, including traditionally marginalized actors and approaches.
Keywords: Knowledge dialogue, co-creation, water conservation, Global South
How to Cite:
Dupuits, E., Puertas, C. & Balsiger, J., (2023) “Knowledges co-creation and water conservation in the Global Souths: An introduction”, Journal of Political Ecology 30(1), 359–370. doi: https://doi.org/10.2458/jpe.5797
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- Swiss-Latin American Center, University of St. Gallen