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Grassroots Special Section: Knowledge co-creation and water conservation in the Global South, edited by Emilie Dupuits, Cecilia Puertas & Jörg Balsiger

The political ecology of shrimp aquaculture in Tamil Nadu: A case study from Mayiladuthurai District

Authors: Nagarajan R. Durai (Centre for Socio-Economic and Environmental Studies (CSES)) , Babuji K. R (Hume Centre for Ecology and Wildlife Biology)

  • The political ecology of shrimp aquaculture in Tamil Nadu:  A case study from Mayiladuthurai District

    Grassroots Special Section: Knowledge co-creation and water conservation in the Global South, edited by Emilie Dupuits, Cecilia Puertas & Jörg Balsiger

    The political ecology of shrimp aquaculture in Tamil Nadu: A case study from Mayiladuthurai District

    Authors: ,


The primary purpose of this article is to analyze the impact of shrimp aquaculture in Tamil Nadu through a political ecology lens with a case study of a coastal village located in the Mayiladuthurai district of Tamil Nadu, India. The article firstly looks at the shrimp industry in the coastal village as a case that illustrates how global capitalism influences the local economy. Secondly, it identifies ecological degradation due to the commodification of nature and analyzes the social origins of degradation. Commodification alienates nature and people from each other, and its impacts are unevenly felt across social strata especially class, gender and caste lines. The article finally discusses the intersectionality of social difference and differentiates how the impacts of commodification are experienced and responded to.

Keywords: Shrimp aquaculture, political ecology, Environment, Social relations, Dalits

How to Cite: Durai, N. R. & Babuji. K. R. (2023). The political ecology of shrimp aquaculture in Tamil Nadu: A case study from Mayiladuthurai District, Journal of Political Ecology 30(1): 371-380.

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