Through an encounter with a plantation forest in western Denmark called Klosterheden, this article explores the possibilities for what Anna Tsing calls multispecies resurgence – the ability of ecologies to survive and recover through interspecies cooperation. Highlighting endangered conditions for ongoing survival in a world of Anthropocene proliferations, the article tells three entangled stories of how the forest landscapes in Klosterheden have changed in the past century: First, the story of the forest as a landscape of war. Then, the story of the forest as a landscape of multispecies companionship. And finally, the story of the forest as a landscape in between resurgence and disrepair. The overarching argument is that in an Anthropocene world altered by human activities, ongoing survival requires renewed care and attention towards the complexities of multispecies resurgence. This entails, among other things, making space for the resurgent dynamics of natural ecologies and recognizing the limits of human existence vis-à-vis other forms of earthly life.
Keywords: Anthropocene, Multispecies resurgence, climate change, plantation, forests
How to Cite:
Ejsing, M., (2023) “Living with others: On multispecies resurgence in the altered forest landscapes of the Anthropocene”, Journal of Political Ecology 30(1), 316–334. doi: https://doi.org/10.2458/jpe.5224
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