Based on the ecological utopianism of Narodnik thinkers, this article assesses the programmatic concept of ecological neo-narodnism, as put forth by Martinez-Alier (1987), addressing (1) to what extent it conforms to the intellectual legacy of the Narodniki? (2) what are its main theoretical foundations and policy recommendations for a peasant economy in the 21st century? and (3) how it contributes to contemporary social and environmental challenges. It explores in detail the ecological economic theories which can be applied to the peasant economy according to the ideology of ecological neo-narodnism, the latter analyzed from the perspectives of the fields of political economy and political ecology. Peasant movements are addressed as the manifestation of such a worldview. Finally, the contributions of ecological neo-narodnism to overcome current social and environmental challenges are discussed and associated with economic degrowth.
Keywords: Narodnism, peasant movements, ecological neo-narodnism, rural communes
How to Cite:
Vianna Franco, M. P., (2021) “Ecological neo-Narodnism and the peasant economy: history and contemporary relevance”, Journal of Political Ecology 28(1), 416-433. doi: https://doi.org/10.2458/jpe.2933
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