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Special Section: Energy, environment, engagement: encounters with hydraulic fracking, edited by Anna Willow and Sara Wylie

The new politics of environmental degradation: un/expected landscapes of disempowerment and vulnerability

Author: Anna J. Willow (Ohio State University)

  • The new politics of environmental degradation: un/expected landscapes of disempowerment and vulnerability

    Special Section: Energy, environment, engagement: encounters with hydraulic fracking, edited by Anna Willow and Sara Wylie

    The new politics of environmental degradation: un/expected landscapes of disempowerment and vulnerability



Acknowledging environmental degradation as a profoundly political phenomenon, this article examines how uninvited environmental change transforms people's understandings of and relationships to the natural world. Drawing on qualitative research conducted in a semi-remote Canadian Anishinaabe community and among Euro-American residents of Ohio who oppose local shale energy development, I trace parallels between the disempowerment and vulnerability experienced by people with very different assumptions about the world and their place in it and very different positions within the global political economic system. While environmental justice scholars have revealed compelling correlations between social and environmental inequity, I argue that investigating environmental degradation's sociocultural impacts among relatively privileged groups can encourage more dynamic explorations of conjoined environmental/social/political systems and expose ongoing structural shifts. My comparative analysis seems to suggest that ever-increasing segments of the world's population now contend with environmental challenges that they did not authorize, and do not benefit from. I thus conclude by calling for additional investigations of environmental degradation in unexpected places and the implications of extensive inequity for global sustainability.

Keywords: Energy, environmental degradation, environmental justice, fossil fuels, hydraulic fracking, landscape, North America, shale gas

How to Cite:

Willow, A. J., (2014) “The new politics of environmental degradation: un/expected landscapes of disempowerment and vulnerability”, Journal of Political Ecology 21(1), 237-257. doi:

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