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Construct Validation of Quality of Life for the Severely Mentally Ill

  • Gwendolyn Watkins Johnson (University of Arizona)
  • Aurelio José Figueredo (University of Arizona)
  • Richard R. Bootzin (University of Arizona)
  • Michael R. Berren (University of Arizona)
  • Lee H. Sechrest (University of Arizona)


This study focused on the quality of life experienced by persons with severe mental illness (SMI). Previous studies indicate the need for a multi-dimensional approach to the study of quality of life and its subjective indicators. For the SMI, attention should be paid not only to the direct and intentional effects of interventions, but also to the indirect and unintentional effects, both negative and positive. Hence, a global evaluation of individuals within this group is indicated. A multitrait-multimethod approach to construct validation using confirmatory factor analysis was employed. The hypothesized factors were modeled as multiple traits and the multiple perspectives of the respondents (i.e. patient, case manager, family member) were multiple methods. A total of 265 severely mentally ill adults served by a network of agencies in four cities were randomly sampled. The sample was approximately 50% male and 50% female, ages ranged from 19-78 years.

Keywords: structural equation modeling, quality of life, severe mental illness (SMI), multitrait-multimethod (MTMM)

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