
Bullied Students in the Arts: Psychiatric Sequelae and Response to Interactive Theater

Authors: Hannah West (Oklahoma State University) , Timothy K. Daugherty (Missouri State University) , Carol J. Maples (Missouri State University)

  • Bullied Students in the Arts: Psychiatric Sequelae and Response to Interactive Theater


    Bullied Students in the Arts: Psychiatric Sequelae and Response to Interactive Theater

    Authors: , ,


The present study examined the prevalence and impact of being bullied among high school students in the arts; it sought to determine whether this impact might be addressed, in part, through interactive theater. A high percentage of students in the arts reported being bullied in the past year. Compared to non-bullied students, bullied students reported significantly more psychiatric symptoms and showed significant enhancements in self-efficacy and outcome expectations following interactive theater. Results suggest students in the arts may be at increased risk for victimization, and bullied students may be particularly responsive to interventions that build understanding along with communication and problem-solving skills.

Keywords: interactive theater, self-efficacy, outcome expectations, bullying, adolescents

How to Cite:

West, H. & Daugherty, T. K. & Maples, C. J., (2017) “Bullied Students in the Arts: Psychiatric Sequelae and Response to Interactive Theater”, Journal of Cultural Research in Art Education 34(1), 134-146. doi:

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Published on
01 Sep 2017
Peer Reviewed