In the Roman fish-salting production center of Tróia (Portugal), one of the largest of the Empire, many mensa tombs have been identified in the last decades in several areas of the site. Since this type of tomb is fairly rare in Portugal and on the Iberian Peninsula, while it is rather common in Roman Africa, they are an unusual feature of Tróia in the late Roman period that may signify a strong African influence due to trade connections also reflected in a significant presence of African imports of fine wares and amphorae in the late contexts at Tróia. This paper will present and discuss the mensa tombs from Tróia.
How to Cite
Pinto, I., (2016) “Late Roman Tombs at Tróia (Portugal): The Mensae”, Journal of Ancient Egyptian Interconnections 10(1), 103-112. doi: https://doi.org/10.2458/azu_jaei_v10i1_pinto