The “Way(s) of Horus” represented an active route and part of Egypt’s eastern frontier; it is known during the Old, Middle, and New Kingdoms, and continued to be maintained and controlled by Saite kings (Dynasty 26: 664-525 B.C.). Tell el-Kedwa formed part of a series of Saite fortresses guarding Egypt’s East frontier, and lies on the eastern edge of an ancient lagoon, guarding a northern access point to Egypt. In 2007, investigations at Kedwa uncovered a succession of two massive Saite forts, and constitute an important factor in clarifying Tell el-Kedwa’s role as a key control point for access to Egypt during the Late Period. Excavations have continued in 2008 along the south wall of the successive fortresses, and these results will be published in due course. However, the initial excavation results from 2007 have confirmed the role of this fortress as a significant Egyptian garrison defending Egypt’s eastern gateway.
How to Cite
Hussein, H. & Alim, E. A., (2015) “The Way(S) of Horus in the Saite Period: Tell El-Kedwa and its Key Location Guarding Egypt's Northeastern Frontier”, Journal of Ancient Egyptian Interconnections 7(1), 39-51. doi: https://doi.org/10.2458/azu_jaei_v07i1_hussein