The Tjemhu-Libyans are mentioned in Egyptian sources starting with the 6th Dynasty, when they are presented in geographical proximity to the Nubians and meet the Egyptians during exploratory/trading expeditions. Later, the term "Tjemh" was used to generically indicate the Libyan-land and to indicate “the west.” Representations of Tjemhu dancers appear in Egyptian temples show the persistence of contacts between the Egyptians and the Tjemhu-Libyans, despite the lack of other clear indications in Egyptian sources. This paper aims to analyze certain Egyptian sources related to the Tjemhu in order to suggest their possible homeland and to clarify their strong connection with Nubian groups.
How to Cite
Iacoviello, A., (2014) “Some Remarks on the Tjemhu Libyans”, Journal of Ancient Egyptian Interconnections 6(4), 20-29. doi: https://doi.org/10.2458/azu_jaei_v06i4_iacoviello