The excavations at Tell Dothan in Palestine, which took place during the middle of the past century, uncovered important remains from the Middle Bronze Age. This article presents previously unpublished artifacts from the courtyard of the "patrician's house" at Tell Dothan. The most significant artifacts from this assemblage are a scarab-stamped jar handle and two scarab-stamped loom weights. In addition to making these objects available for the first time, this article also considers how scarab-stamped loom weights may have functioned at the site.
How to Cite
Miglio, A. E., (2014) “Scarab-Stamped Impressions and Weaving at Middle Bronze Age Tell Dothan”, Journal of Ancient Egyptian Interconnections 6(2), 50-58. doi: https://doi.org/10.2458/azu_jaei_v06i2_migilio