Diagnosis of classic Hodgkin lymphoma (CHL) is quite straightforward with the integrated clinical, morphological, and immunophenotypic studies. Due to the variation in morphology and immunophenotype, CHL diagnosis remains a challenge. Based on their many years of experience in diagnostic practice, the authors summarized eleven uncommon variants of CHL: 1) CHL with xanthogranulomatous inflammation, foamy histiocytes and loose granulation tissue-like stroma; 2) epithelioid cell-rich and granulomatous CHL; 3) CHL with prominent keloid-like fibrosis; 4) CHL rich in plump histiocytes arranging in a fascicular pattern; 5) intrasinusoidal CHL; 6) interfollicular CHL: 7) neutrophil-rich CHL; 8) neoplastic cell-rich CHL; 9) lymphocyte depleted CHL; 10) CHL with aberrant immunophenotypes; 11) grey-zone CHL. These variants pose diagnostic pitfalls to the practicing pathologists.
Classic Hodgkin lymphoma, anaplastic large cell lymphoma, immunohistochemistry
How to Cite
Fratoni, S. & Niscola, P., (2019) “The Uncommon Faces of Classic Hodgkin Lymphoma”, Hematopathology 4(1), 9-23.