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Legal and Policy Issues Surrounding AI-assisted Chemistry and Drug Discovery

Author: Lauren Schultz

  • Legal and Policy Issues Surrounding AI-assisted Chemistry and Drug Discovery


    Legal and Policy Issues Surrounding AI-assisted Chemistry and Drug Discovery



Artificial intelligence (AI) has forever shaped our society and the ways in which individuals synthesize and utilize information. In particular, AI has revolutionized scientific research and the identification of potential disease therapeutics. It is no secret that developing a new drug is expensive and takes years. Luckily, AI has implications that would help expedite the process and make drug development more cost-effective. Yet, a major point of debate has been whether AI-assisted discoveries qualify for patent protection. Recent court decisions have overwhelmingly asserted that only human beings qualify as inventors on patent applications. However, with the rapid advancements of AI, the interpretation of what it means to be an inventor will likely need to be re-evaluated by the legal system. Moreover, courts should consider specifically examining AI inventorship related to AI-assisted chemistry and drug development. Additionally, potential solutions should be surveyed to help aid the integration of AI inventorship with patent law.

Keywords: AI, Artificial Intelligence, Inventor, Drug Development

How to Cite:

Lauren Schultz, Legal and Policy Issues Surrounding AI-assisted Chemistry and Drug Discovery, 8 Ariz. L. J. Emerging Tech. no. 2, 2024,

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