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¡Me Gusta Hip-Hop!: Evidence of Popular U.S. Culture Among Mexican Border Youth

Author: Brian Hawkins

  • ¡Me Gusta Hip-Hop!: Evidence of Popular U.S. Culture Among Mexican Border Youth


    ¡Me Gusta Hip-Hop!: Evidence of Popular U.S. Culture Among Mexican Border Youth



This paper examines a fragment of the evident cultural exchange occurring along the U.S.-Mexico border in Nogales, Sonora, Mexico. Many Nogales youth are absorbing American popular culture through purchasing American popular culture commodities, such as music. The paper raises questions of how and why the Nogales youth purchase their pop culture commodities, and of the interpretations the Nogales youth make of said commodities' symbolic significance. After methodologies and context of the study are discussed, the paper defines popular culture and its relationship to commodity production. It then focuses on how the youth access their pop culture products and the factors that influence their buying decisions. At its end, the paper compares the interpretations of the Nogales youth with those of American youth in terms of pop culture goods.

Keywords: culture, pop culture, commodities, hip-hop, maquila

How to Cite: Hawkins B., (2006) “¡Me Gusta Hip-Hop!: Evidence of Popular U.S. Culture Among Mexican Border Youth”, Arizona Anthropologist 17.

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